chapter 26: TestNG reports

Report generation is very important when you are doing the Automation Testing as well as for Manual Testing.

  • By looking at the result, you can easily identify how many test cases are passed, failed and skipped.
  • By looking at the report, you will come to know what the status of the project is.

Selenium web driver is used for automating the web-application, but it won’t generate any reports.

  • The TestNG will generate the default report.
  • When you execute testng.xml file, and refresh the project. You will get test-output folder in that folder.
  • Right click on the emailable-report.html and select the option. Open with the web browser.

In this chapter we will learn about



Method-1: emailable-report.html

  1. Click on option “emailable-report.html”
  2. Click on option web browser

The output report of testng will look like below if all the testcases are passed:

Method-2 :index.html

  1. Right click on the index.html from the project directory.
  2. Select option open with web browser option. It will display the result in the following order.

The result will be as follows:


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